MySQL Comparison Operators are used to compare two or more values or two or more queries or two or more expressions.
The following operators are called MySQL Comparison Operators:-
= (Equal to):- this operator is used to check equal value. A few examples are:-
SELECT name, section FROM student WHERE age= ‘9’;
SELECT productname, quantity FROM Products WHERE Price = 30;
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary = 30000;
> (Greater Than):- Few examples are:-
SELECT name, section FROM student WHERE age > ‘9’;
SELECT productname, quantity FROM Products WHERE Price > 30;
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary > 30000;
< (Less Than):- Few examples are:-
SELECT name, section FROM student WHERE age < ‘9’;
SELECT productname, quantity FROM Products WHERE Price < 30;
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary < 30000;
>= (Greater Than and Equal to):- Few examples are:-
SELECT name, section FROM student WHERE age >= ‘9’;
SELECT productname, quantity FROM Products WHERE Price >= 30;
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary >= 30000;
<= (Less Than and equal to):- Few examples are:-
SELECT name, section FROM student WHERE age <= ‘9’;
SELECT productname, quantity FROM Products WHERE Price <= 30;
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary < 30000;
<> or != (Not Equal to):- Few examples are:-
SELECT name, section FROM student WHERE age <> ‘9’;
SELECT productname, quantity FROM Products WHERE Price <> 30;
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary != 30000;
<=> (NULL-safe equal to operator):- Few examples are:- This operator performs an equality comparison like the = operator but returns 1 rather than NULL if both operands are NULL, and 0 rather than NULL if one operand is NULL.
SELECT 1 <=> 1, NULL <=> NULL, 1 <=> NULL;
output -> 1, 1, 0
SELECT 1 = 1, NULL = NULL, 1 = NULL;
output -> 1, NULL, NULL
Read also:-
MySQL Arithmetic Operators Example
MySQL String Comparison Operator Functions
For more detail about operators please check the Manual