MySQL String Comparison Operator Functions are used to compare two or more strings. LIKE Operator:- Syntax is expression LIKE pattern ESCAPE escape_character i.e. pat [ESCAPE ‘escape_char’] It is a logical operator. It checks whether the
Year: 2022
MySQL Comparison Functions
MySQL Comparison Functions is used to accept two or more arguments and return the comparing value. BETWEEN min AND max:- BETWEEN Operator consists of two values first for begin and last for the end. That
MySQL Comparison Operators
MySQL Comparison Operators are used to compare two or more values or two or more queries or two or more expressions. The following operators are called MySQL Comparison Operators:- = (Equal to):- this operator is
MySQL Bitwise Operators
Bitwise Operators basically compare with bit value. That means it performs an operation on a bit. That means before the operation first it converts the given decimal number to its binary equivalent and then after
MySQL Arithmetic Operators Example
MySQL Arithmetic Operators is used to perform mathematical operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. Arithmetic Operators Example:- Here I am putting a few examples, which will explain how Arithmetic operators are working in MySQL:-
MySQL Operators
MySQL Operators:- Operators are basically used to modify information of the group of data, So They apply conditions with the “WHERE” clause. In MySQL, we can use different types of operators. Hence, We can say
MySQL BINARY and VARBINARY Data Type:- BINARY and VARBINARY data types contain a binary string. It is similar to CHAR and VARCHAR data types. The only difference is BINARY and VARBINARY data types store byte
MYSQL SET Data Type:- MYSQL SET is a data type string object which can hold zero or more values. It must be chosen from the predefine specified value. A SET column can have a maximum
ENUM MySQL Data Type
ENUM MySQL Data Type is a sort of enumeration. which means each column of the table has one of the possible values. It is a String Object. It uses a numeric index to represent string
CHAR and VARCHAR Data Type:- The CHAR and VARCHAR Data types are similar, but differ in the way they are stored and retrieved. CHAR and VARCHAR are declared with a fixed length, which declares how