WordPress is an open-source content management system(CMS). Its first version comes in 27th May 2003. It used PHP and Mysql for development. Currently, It is the most popular CMS in the world.
Initially, it was used for blogging only But WordPress has versatile uses. Currently, we can see several websites like Ecommerce, social platforms, learning management systems, etc are running using WordPress.
It is popular because WordPress can easy to install, easily we can customize as per our requirement, SEO friendly, secure and fast.
Non-technical people can easily manage a WordPress website. Those people, who know only HTML and CSS can easily do basic customization.
Here I am putting some basic questions and answer. Which can be helpful for interview preparation.
1. What is CMS?
Ans:- CMS is an abbreviation of the Content Management System. A CMS is a software application, where we can create, manage and modify digital content. From CMS we can edit, add or delete texts, images, etc. It also provides different users with different permission or role. Some Popular CMS are WordPress, Joomla, etc.
2. Who is the founder of wordpress?
Ans:- Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little are the founders of WordPress.
3. What is the Feature of CMS?
Ans:- Content Management System (CMS) has several features. Some important features are:-
(a) Easy Management and administration of the website.
(b)We Can manage users, media, text, etc.
(c) Inbuilt SEO tools
(d) Multimedia and Multilanguage control
(e) highly secure
4. What is the advantage of wordpress?
Ans:- There are several advantages to WordPress. Some important advantage is:-
(a) WordPress is an open-source, so It is free for use.
(b) As per requirement, we can modify the CSS file.
(c) According to our needs, we can customize it.
(d) Media file management is systematic, quick and easy.
(e) WordPress use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor. So, writing and editing content is easy.
5. What is disadvantage of wordpress?
Ans:- Some major disadvantage of WordPress are:-
(a) Security
(b) Since WordPress is using several plugins, so the speed is one of the major issues.
(c) WordPress requires a regular update, So, loss of data is major issue.
(d) For customization, coding is required
(e)SEO friendliness
6. What is the difference between wordpress.org and wordpress.com?
Ans:- wordpress.org and wordpress.com have several differences.
wordpress.org host our own website. all codes will be on our server. We can do coding level customization. From here we can download software. On another hand, wordpress.com will host our website. It will take care of our all hosting. From here we cannot download software. For complete access, we required to pay on wordpress.com.
7. From where we can download wordpress?
Ans:- We can download latest version of wordpress from this link https://wordpress.org/download/
8. What is the system requirement for wordpress installation?
Ans:- wordpress recommended PHP version 7.x, mysql 5.6 or MarioDb 10.0 or greater, APACHE or Nginx
9. How to install wordpress into our server?
Ans:- WordPress installation is a very simple process
(a) First download the WordPress zip file https://wordpress.org/download/
(b)then upload it on your server where you want to install and unzip it
(c) When you open your installation path on a browser first you will see select language. After language, selection click next button.
(d)create a database and put all database information
(e)create admin username and password
Some other information you can see on the screen. I only need to follow those instructions.
10. After installation, what will be the first place will appear?
Ans:- wordpress admin dashboard will appear.
11. Describe administrative menu in wordpress?
Ans:- After login our WordPress site. On the dashboard left side, we can see the following menus. I am telling from top to bottom order. Dashboard, Home, Updates.
After Update, main menu Items will come like Posts, Media, Pages, Comments, Appearance, Plugins, Users, Tools, Settings.
12. What major things appear at wordpress admin dashboard?
Ans:- WordPress admin dashboard display overview of the website, Like Screen Option, Welcome, Dashboard Menu, quick Draft, WordPress News, Activity, At a Glance.
13. Describe Setting menu in wordpress admin?
Ans:- Setting menu mainly control over all performance of website, In setting menu there are several submenu like, General setting, Writing Setting, Reading Setting, Discussion Setting, Media Setting, Permalinks Setting.
14. Describe Tools menu at wordpress admin?
Ans:- Tools menu is used for Import, Export data, It also support third party API for import data. It also check site health.
15. Describe Appearance menu at wordpress admin?
Ans:- Appearance menu is use for front end site look and feel, here we can select them for Active at front end, add header, Customization, In Editor we can change or update code, etc.
16. Describe Comments menu at wordpress admin?
Ans:- Comments menu list all comments given by different users on a different posts. Admin can approve, delete, move to spam, or move to trash on any comment.
17. Describe the Pages menu at WordPress admin?
Ans:- Page menu is used to creating pages for the website. Here we can do the following operations add new pages, edit pages, delete pages, Save as draft, move to trash, publish, add featured images, Set priority for pages, WordPress provides a good editor for design a page.
18. Describe the Media menu at the WordPress admin?
Ans:- Media menu is used to upload and manages media. WordPress default use year and month basis folder for upload and manage media. WordPress provides both Ajax and classical way to upload media.
19. Describe the Posts menu at the WordPress admin?
Ans:- Post menu is used for writing and design posts. We can create a category for each post. In the Add post section we can add tags, add featured images, etc.
20. Describe the General Setting sub-menu of WordPress admin?
Ans:- General setting is used for the basic configuration setting of a WordPress site. Following things we can set general setting:-
Site Title:- It will display the template header.
Tagline:- Its adds short sentences to the website.
WordPress Address(URL):- It is a directory path where are WordPress core file is present.
Site Address(URL):- It is a browser display path of website.
E-mail Address:- Site main admin email address.
Membership:- If checked, then anyone can register on the website.
New User Default Role:- We can set the default role for new users, Default role may be Subscriber, Contributor, Author, Editor, Administrator, etc.
Site Language:- We can select website language.
Timezone:- Set time zone based upon a particular city.
DateFormat:- We can select the date format, which will display on site.
Time format:- We can select time format.
Week Starts on:- Select weekday, which will start for the WordPress calendar.
21. What is the purpose of Writing Setting in wordpress?
Ans:- Writing setting is used for setting writing experience of website. It also provide options for customization of wordpress website. Writing setting provide following options for settings :-
Default post category:- You can select your own default post category.
Default post format:- Format may be standard, aside, Chat, gallery, Link, Image, Status, Video, Audio
post Via Mail:- This option uses e-mail address to create posts and publishes posts on your blog through e-mail. For use this service, requirement will be secret email account with POP3 access, mail server, login name, password, Default mail category
Update services:- When you publish a new post, WordPress will automatically notify the site update services in the box. The long list of possible services are available in Codex.
22. Describe wordpress Reading Setting?
Ans:- Reading setting control the front page display. Reading setting have following options:-
Your Home page display:- You can choose either your latest post or A static. A static will have two options Home for select page and Posts Pages.
Blog pages show at most:- It set number of posts to be display per page or site
Syndication feeds show the most recent:- It set number of post display when they download one of the site feed. By default it set 10.
For each post in a feed, include :- This section is used to display the post by selecting any of the following formats −
Full Text − It displays the complete post. It is set as default.
Summary − It displays the summary of the post.
Search Engine Visibility:- If you checked it then, it will discourage search engines from indexing your site.
23. Describe wordpress Discussion setting?
Ans:- The Discussion setting Screen allows you to set the options related to comments or discussion. Here the administrator can decides if comments are allowed, if pingbacks and trackbacks are acceptable, and what constitutes Comment Spam. More settings options you can find on screen.
24. Describe wordpress Media setting?
Ans:- Media setting mainly set height and width of the images in three format, Thumbnail, Medium and large size images. It also set allow crop thumbnail in exact dimension.
After checking Uploading files checkbox, the uploaded image will be arranged into year and month based folder.
25. Describe wordpress Permalink settings?
Ans:- Permalink settings control looks and feel of the URL structure. This setting also provide option for create custom permalink or URL structure. Permalink setting have two options common setting and optional setting.
Common setting have following options like General, Day and name, Month and Name, Numeric, post Name, Custom Structure.
Optional setting have following options like, Category base, Tag Base.
26. What are WordPress plugins?
Ans:- WordPress Plugins is software, which is used to improving the functionality of the website. In WordPress admin Plugins menu you can see all installed plugins. Here you can see three sub-menu:-
Installed Plugin:- Here you can view all installed Plugins
Add New:- From here you can install any new plugins. Plugins can be install using Upload functionality or directly from the WordPress server.
Plugin Edit:- From here you can edit any coding level changes in any plugin.
27. Describe Post Category?
Ans:- Post Category is used to organizing posts. In the post category page display Left side Add New category and right side list of category. When you hover any on a list of category Edit, Quick Edit and delete option appear.
Add Category have four fields:-
Name:- Name of Category
Slug:- It is used for describe post and specify in the tag URL
Parent:- It is used for selecting sub-category or none.
Description:- It is used to add brief description
28. Describe Posts menu tags sub-menu?
Ans:- Tags are a great mechanism if you want to identify a piece of content by some specific keywords. It is good to choose a tag that describes the post best.
After clicking the Tags menu, the new page contains two-part, left side Add New tags and Right side all tags list display.
29. How to add a link on WordPress Post and Page content?
Ans:- WordPress editor provide Add Link tool at the top. The first select content part was you required to add the link then click add link tool, a Pop-up form will open, which provide following options
Enter the destination URL
Link text
Checkbox:- Open link in a new window
Or link to existing content
Search: The post or page
30. Describe Screen options of WordPress?
Ans:- Screen Options is a fly down menu button located on the top right corner of some pages in your WordPress admin area. In screen option show different option with a checkbox for particular pages. Screen option appears mainly dashboard, Posts, Comments, Plugins, Users, and pages menu.
31. Describe Add Comment in WordPress?
Ans:- Comment is a platform in WordPress which allows users to communicate with WordPress administrator and other visitors. It allows users to ask questions, share feedback and allow their views in a particular post. Admin has the authority to approve the comment for further discussion.
Form Screen option setup we can setup comments and discussion for particular posts and pages.
Admin can Edit comments after going admin comment menu.
32. How to setup Moderate Comment?
Ans:- Those comments which does not publish after admin approval are called Moderate Comment. Moderate comment can be setup after going admin setting menu and then go to the discussion menu.
33. Describe the role of users in WordPress?
Ans:- WordPress provides a pre-define user role on the basis of there admin area access. Pre define roles are:-
Administrator:- Administrator have all rights
Editor:- Editor can access Posts, Pages, Comments, Categories, Tags and links. He can create, edit and delete any posts or pages.
Author:- Author can only write Posts, Upload Photos, Edit there own posts and publish there posts.
Contributor:- Contributor can only write and edit there own post until publish. They can create posts and pages but can not publish them. A contributor can not upload images or fiels.
Subscriber:- They can create and maintain there own profile. Write comment on any post. only that mush limited access.
34. How to add new users to the WordPress site?
Ans:- First login to WordPress admin, then check admin dashboard users then In users section, you will see Add New User link and the click on this link you will see the Add New Users section form.
35. How to Manage WordPress site Theme?
Ans:- For the management of them in WordPress, the first login to admin, In the admin dashboard You will see Appearance, When you will go to Appearance, you will see Themes Section. In this section you can add any new theme, Activate the theme, In the Customize section you can do any basic visual customization.
36. How to Manage the widget?
Ans:- For widget Management, login to admin then go to Appearance then go to Widgets section.
In Widgets area following options will appear:-
1. Left side Available widgets list will appear. Which we can drag to right side widgets are which will be defined by the theme.
2. Inactive Widgets list, which removed from the sidebar but keep it in the setting.
37. How to set up the background of the theme?
Ans:- For setting a background image, log in to admin then go to Appearance then go to Background. Here option will appear for the upload background image.
38. How to transfer WordPress in new hosting?
Ans:- For transfer WordPress site into new Host following steps need to follow:-
1st:- Download all WordPress files from Old server. Specially Theme and Plugin files.
2nd:- Take backup from old Database.
3rd:- Create a new database in the new server database.
4th:- Import all table and data in new server created a database.
5th:- Upload all files new server define a path, In some server, provide install WordPress from Cpanel, In that case, only Theme and plugin files is required for upload.
6th:- In the config file need to update database detail like Database name, User name, Password, Site name, etc.
39. How to upgrade the latest version of WordPress?
Ans:- When WordPress’s new version will release, then a notification will appear on the admin Dashboard “WordPress 5.3 is available Please update now”. When you will click “Please update now” . You will go to the update section. Then only need to click the “Update Now” button, then WordPress will be updated in the new version from wordpress.org server.
Before the update, it is a good idea to take a backup of WordPress.
40. How to protect the WordPress website?
Ans:- Need to follow following steps for protecting the WordPress website:-
1st. Always use an updated version of WordPress.
2nd. Use always stronger password for the database, FTP and admin access.
3rd. Take regular backup of your WordPress website.
4th. Change default database table prefix name.
5th. Rename default WordPress folder name. or use different paths for the system folder for WordPress.
6th. Use WordPress recommended Akismet plugin for Spam protection with proper API.
7th. Use good hosting providers who can take care of extra measures to protect their servers against common threats to host your WordPress site.
8th. Enable web Application Firewall for DNS level and Application level Firewall.
9th. Use the best WordPress security plugins.
41. Explain the restore and backup of the WordPress website?
Ans:- For restore and backup we can use FTP, SVN, Cpanel, Some WordPress plugin like a jetpack, BackupBuddy, UpdraftPlus, etc. also provide a backup of WordPress website.
42. How to optimize a WordPress website?
Ans:- For optimization of the WordPress website. we need to follow the following important points:-
1. Content should be meaningful.
2. Image name, title, Alt should be proper.
3. permalink must be short with proper keyword relevant.
4. try to use the XML sitemap.
5. Try to usefully optimize theme.
6. Use Optimize and effectively Javascript, CSS, HTML.
7. Monitor WordPress Plugin.
8. Remove or reduce trash, revision data, etc.
9. Choose a fast and good hosting plan.
10. Install caching Plugins.
43. How to reset password in WordPress?
Ans:- WordPress administrator can reset any user password, after login admin section then users menu then Edit user.
Another way, If any user knows their username or email, then He needs to go Lost Your Password link. and fill the username or email on your Lost Your password section. After submit, an email will go to users email Id which will contain reset password link.
44. What is the use of the Avatar field in WordPress discussion setting?
Ans:- An Avatar is just like a profile picture. Which displays the top-right-hand corner of the dashboard screen beside the user name.
45. How to enable WordPress to debug mode?
Ans:- WordPress defines a constant WP_DEBUG in wp-config.php file. For enable debug mode we need to make it true.
like define(WP_DEBUG, true);
For access wp-config.php file from a server, we can use FTP, Cpanel File Manager or SSH command prompt.
46. What is WordPress taxonomy?
Ans:- A taxonomy within WordPress is a way of grouping posts together based on a select number of relationships. categories and tags are the default taxonomy of WordPress. We can create or register new custom taxonomy using WordPress function register_taxonomy($taxonomy, $object_type, $args = array()).
47. How many tables are there WordPress default?
Ans:- In each wordpress installation has 12 default tables. wp_commentmeta,wp_comments, wp_links, wp_options, wp_postmeta, wp_posts, wp_termmeta, wp_terms, wp_term_relationships, wp_term_taxonomy, wp_usermeta, wp_users.
48. What is the default table prefix for WordPress?
Ans:- Default prefix for WordPress tables are wp_ .
49. Describe hooks in WordPress?
Ans:- Hooks are functions that can be applied to an Action or a Filter in WordPress.
50. How many types of Hooks available in WordPress?
Ans:- In WordPress two types of hooks are available in WordPress. Action and Filter.