$php_errormsg — $php_errormsg is a variable, That contains the PHP-generated text of the last error message. In PHP.ini if track_errors will on then it will work. This variable will only be available within the scope
Super global variable $_COOKIE
A cookie is a small piece of information file that is embedded with the server and stored in the user’s computer browser. It is often used to identify users or the date that will be
$_SESSION, $_ENV Global Variable
$_SESSION — $_SESSION is a super global Session variable. An associative array containing session variables available in the current script. $_SESSION is available in all scopes throughout a script. session_start() is required before using $_SESSION
$_REQUEST Super global variable
$_REQUEST is an HTTP Request global variable, which collects data after submitting the HTML form. $_REQUEST is available in all scopes throughout a script. $_REQUEST is an associative array. $_REQUEST are provided to the script
$_FILES Super global variable
$_FILES is a PHP Super global constant or predefined variable. $_FILES uses an Associative array. $_FILES is HTTP File Upload variables. $_FILES uploaded through the HTTP POST method. When we write a form that uses
$_POST Super Global Variable
$_POST — HTTP $_POST variables is a global variable and it is available throughout the script which means there is no need to declare a global variable to access this. It collects data from the
PHP Global Variable $_GET
PHP $_GET is a super global or automatic global variable. It uses to collect form data after submitting a form with the “get” method. It passes data in an associative array. Form “get” method passes
PHP Global Variable $_SERVER
PHP Global Variable $_SERVER is used for server and execution environment information. It is an array. Basically, it contains information on the header, paths, and script location. The following indices we can use with $_SERVER:-
PHP $GLOBALS is a super global variable. It references all variables available in the global scope. i.e. It can access anywhere in PHP script and also within PHP functions or methods. It always defines outside
PHP predefined variables
PHP can provide some predefined variables. Which can be used global aspect, knowing the environment, session, cookie, etc. 1. Superglobals — Built-in variables that are always available in all scopes are Superglobales. The following variables